Pre-History :)
Let's begin with the pre-history outside America.....
Venus of Willendorf
This statue is founded between 25,00-21,00 B.C. and it known as the oldest art piece!! The Venus of Willendorf is made out of limestone. It is about 4.3 inches tall and the purpose of this statue was to fertility God.
Lascaux Caves
The Lascaux Caves is located in France. It is founded at 15,000 B.C..This cave is the earliest cave painting. It is not painted by a paint brush ,but it is painting by a sprayed paint through tubes/bones. All animals that are painted in the caves are painted by memory! Now the cave is closed due to the air&breath caused deterioration.
I know that a lot of you heard about Stonehenge before, but i guarantee that you don't know what is it made of.... hahaha :P It is post&lintel construction and the Aubrey Holes is 56 pits filled with cremated bones and rubble. It is built in England between 2,800-1,500 B.C. to be a Religious Ceremony.
Ziggaurats is located at UR, Mesopotamia (Iraq) and founded between 2,100-2,000 B.C. Now God&Ruler became central to the creation of art, as a form of worship. The Ziggaurants is seen as a way to reach to God.
Pre-History in North America....
Serpent Mound
It is an effigy mound and built by a prehistoric Native Americans. Serpent Mound is the largest mound in the world! (3' high, 1348' long). It is built for religious purpose not a burial site. It is built in 1070 C.E.
The Great Gallery
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The Great Gallery is located in the Canyonlands Nat'l Park, UT. It is some of the most significant pictographs in North America.