Sunday, November 4, 2012

Are you ready for Greek art history?

Here we go!!!
Begin with the SCULPTURE in Archaic period-
Statue of a Youth
- This statue was founded in 600 BC
- He represents Apollo or an idealized athelete.
- He has a archaic smile :D

here :)
Kritios Boy
- Founded in 480 BC
- He stands in contrapposto or counterpose
(Contrapposto is weight shifted to one leg, one knee bent)


Classical period-
3 Goddesses
- Founded in 435 BC
- They were larger than life!
- They were on the east pediment of the Parthenon
- They are commemorating the birth of Athena
(Pediment is a triangular area at the top of the facade (face) of a building)


Helenistic period-
The Dying Gaul
- Found between 230-22- BC
- This is not a Greek sculpture
- It is a Roman copy of a Greek Bronze.


Nike of Samothrace
- Founded in 200 BC
- She is the winged of victory
- She lands on the bow of a ship

ARCHITECTURE in Classical period:
- Found between 421-405 BC
- It is a female figures used to support architecture rather than column
- Found between 448-432 BC
- It built 8 years; post&lintel construction; use 70 thousand pieces
- The column is 33 ft long; the dimension is 101 ft wide, 228 ft long
- It was recreation in Nashville, TN
- It celebrated the Athena Parthenon and dedicated to their patron goddess Athena
- There are no straight line on this building
(In 1800, people tried to fixed it but it didn't get better) 

- Founded in 530 BC
- Achilles and Ajax play a game of Morra
- It is a large storage jar with 2 handles
- It was signed by Exekias
The Peloponnesian War
- It happen between 431-404 BC
- It was an ancient Greek war fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League led  by Sparta
- It strip the parthenon and brought down the whole city
3 Orders of Architecture
- It consists of Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

Venus De Milo (Aphrodite of Milos)
- It was discovered in 1820
- It believed to depict Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of love and beauty

Acropolis, Athens
- It is the highest point in the city
- It is the symbols of everything

Athena Parthenon
- 44 ft tall
- She is coverd gold!!
Greek key
- It represented infinity and unity
- It is the most popular design in Greek art and architecture
Frieze- All scripture on the pediment

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